synthetic photography

Some call it post-photography. I prefer to call it synthetic photography, as the process of creating images with machine learning assistance resembles the skillful tuning of analog synthesizers. Overall, the entire process between the creative mind and the machine leads to a synthesis in the output.

worlds & landscapes

AI offers infinite worlds to explore. My fondness for strange places, other planets, Earth's history and evolution drew my attention to generated landscapes and forms of life. – In this context, the word grand refers to scenes or environments that evoke a sense of awe, magnificence, or vastness due to their sheer scale, beauty, or striking features.


The scope of our actions as a search for remnants. These images were created to combine the elements of nature with the resonance of human intervention. The term scope here encompasses both the extent of time and the impact of exploitation.

other things

Combining conflicting elements by merging two or more unrelated domains into one unexpected form generates surprise, humor, and a sense of wonder, as familiar objects are presented in ways that feel both recognizable and deeply strange.

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